We often hear about Life Skills. But what, specifically, are they?
Life Skills are the abilities, skills, and behaviors that enable a person to manage the challenges of adult life effectively and responsibly.
Indeed.com helps flesh out this definition by listing examples of life skills including communication, resiliency, decision-making, cooperation, the ability to accept constructive criticism, time-management, and technology. These skills can be further broken down as hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are those traditionally taught in schools such as foreign languages, software & technology use, and marketing. Soft skills are a bit less tangible. These would include integrity, dependability, effective communication, the ability to work with a team, problem-solving, critical thinking, adaptability, and empathy.
Life Skills Curriculum was designed to help young adults learn hard skills including budgeting, banking, resume’ and cover letter building, cooking and healthy eating, laundry, and house care. The curriculum also teaches the soft skills of understanding debt, job interviewing, effective communication, manners, and offense (how not to offend or be offended), identifying personal values, and more.
Check out the FREE module “Creating a Budget”. It includes PowerPoint slides with instructor notes AND the accompanying video for this module.