by jennlbpak | Dec 6, 2022 | Financial Skills, Home Care Skills
Budgeting. Boy, if there was ever a dirtier word!! Some people like to budget, but a lot more don’t. It’s a chore! I’m a financial coach teaching others how to budget and helping them adjust their behavior where money is concerned. BUT…, I...
by jennlbpak | Sep 6, 2022 | Financial Skills
The last post discussed insurances that are ‘must-haves’ or should be seriously considered. This post will cover some insurances which are rip-offs and not worth the money in almost every case. To review, insurance is about decreasing risk. In almost every...
by jennlbpak | Sep 6, 2022 | Financial Skills
I was helping my 22-year-old daughter do her taxes last month. (Yes, she chose to wait till the LAST MINUTE!) halfway through, she lets me know how much she hates doing taxes like there is another option. OK, she could have paid someone to them for her but come on....
by jennlbpak | Sep 6, 2022 | Employment Skills, Financial Skills, Home Care Skills
A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind. I’ve seen this saying in various offices, as wall art or as a desk placard for much of my career and, to some degree, it may be true. Certainly, a pristine desk MAY (but not necessarily) indicate anything from a degree of...
by jennlbpak | Sep 6, 2022 | Financial Skills
People say there are only two sure things; death and taxes. Taxes are a fact of life. And not only do we have to pay them, but the rules change yearly! Ugh!!! My accountant is one of my best friends!1 (I mean this literally. He was the best man at my wedding, lol.) I...
by jennlbpak | Sep 6, 2022 | Financial Skills
We all have. Have you ever looked at your checking account balance to see if you could “afford” to buy something? Later that day or the next day, you get hit with an overdraft fee because you forgot about an automatic payment that came out later that day....